February 8, 2008

  • the long awaited butt story

    Sorry i have taken so long to tell you all eager people my torture but my ass is very sore and sitting in the computer chair is not very helpful. But I figured since i am sitting her with my cap off and unable to effectively speak anyway I would share my butt story.

    I would post a pic and seriously considered it but well my ass aint pretty even without the left check being literally blackened.

    so use your imaginations.

    Well last saturday started like most. I got up made breakfast and then got into the mood to clean. Nina even not only offered to help but helped without complaint. She worked very hard that day so when we were done i realized the bathroom garbage had not gone out yet so the nice mommy i am i decided my little helper deserved a break.

    I grabbed hubbys slippers (first mistake) and then trodded out the back door. Now mind it ws a little rainy and i knew my steps get slick when wet. So VERY carefully i held onto my doorframe and the railing. The second my foot hit the grass my feet went one way and my ass the other. I was opening the lid to the garbage can and i guess i forgot how to stand but i fell and and HARD. on the way down i hit the bottom step with my left butt cheek. Of course no fall is complete unless you look like you just lost a mud wrestling match. I am pretty sure i cracked my ass bone. It hurts to drive or do anything remotely butt related. But i did manage to pick myself up and still throw away the trash. I came in and Nina says hey mom why did is sit in the mud? Dad says damn babe you trying to kill yourself. I never wear those outside.

    I kid you not imagine the darkest ugliest bruise you can imagine - now imagine your entire left butt cheek is 10 times worse. my back has been hurting since then too and my hip but i have not gone to the doc i think it is just cuz i am babying it.

    So there is my butt story and that will bring this post to an  END...

    so if i don't post for a few you know why.

    on the bright side hubby told me today my butt is not as crooked as it was the day after i fell. The bruise is not gettin better though.

    Nina took out the trash today and said mom you better let me do it you might fall - like i plan to do that AGAIN????

Comments (2)

  • My sis blew out her butt once falling in her driveway.  Screwed up her coccyx (fractured) and couldn't sit down comfortably for a month.  My mom broke her ass sliding down some steps and it took about 6 weeks before he could sit down without making an ouchy face.  I, personally, have never busted my ass.  I should get an award or something... in the shape of a big, gold, perfect ass... not a copy of mine, of course! 

    Glad to know the mystery of your ass.  I was pretty curious.  lol  Glad you're ok.  BTW, whenever my guy offers to take out the garbage... which is "rarely"... I let him.  GAWD do I hate doing that.  (We're on the third floor and the garbage bin isn't exactly close by.)

    Again, I'm glad you're ok.  Bruises heal.  Slowly.  But they heal.  And they're so much fun to watch as they change into so many different colors along the way.  lol

  • Typo:  My mom is a SHE not a HE.  lol  Wow, talk about a bad typo to type.  lol

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