February 9, 2012

  • Getting scary close

    We officially have 19 days & 12 hrs until my scheduled c-section / induction. Baby is completely breech now. We go in on the 16th in order to hopefully convince this lil man with some external coaxing to turn around and head south. If we are unsuccessful we will be a c-section. I just want him here safely but if I can avoid major surgery that would be awesome! At the last ultrasound he was chewing on his toes and well like most men playing with his goods lol. I told hubby if he keeps playing with it it may fall off lol. It was funny to see that on camera the second the tech focused in (she was double checking he was in fact a boy cuz she was a new tech to us) and as soon as she said yup he's all boy his lil hand immediately covered his "thingy". So I thought it was funny. They estimated that he is 5 lbs 3 oz as of last Tuesday (8 days go). Hubby and I have a friendly wager i say he will be less than 8 hubby says more, the doctor thinks he will be exactly 8 (i think he's afraid to take sides lol). Hubby's son was almost 10 lbs. Nina was 8 lbs 4 oz but shhe was a 36 weeker (well 35 wk 6 days) and had way to much fluid build up due to her problems. One of the OB's that fills in every now & then, thinks more than nina at least.

    Nina has had one of those weeks. In a weeks time she wins an award for respect at school. Though she never shows any at home I'm proud she does at school. We have had an ongoing hygiene issue with her. Everything from bathing to combing her hair. I find it all very frustrating. Mainly becuz I dont think she needs to give kids a reason to pick on her. So anyway I finally put my foot down, forcing her to shower tonight, at 13 shes to old to bathe anymore, and when she got out and i had to force her to comb her hair. After more than 15 mins of listening to her whimper and whine i offered to help. Absolutely not she was doing it herself. I suggested she do so in front of her bathroom mirror, 20 more minutes pass before she declares shes "done". Well it looked like she hadn't touched it so I made her sit on the floor in front of me and as I started to comb it (she has thick naturally curly hair) I kept noticing really thin spots. She chopped all her hair to about an eighth of an inch long from about the crown of her head down leaving gaps along the way. She cut out the tangles! Left literally enough to pull it back in her lil bun. I was appauled! Now I have to pay money I don't have to hopefully fix it so it don't look hideous! But becuz I don't have the cash she will have to go to school like that until I do. I never thought I would have to hid scissors from a nearly 14 yr old kid.

    Hubby is still having small seizures despite not missing meds. He is maxed out on his meds as well and theres no other options he can try. He wants to look for work. While its no secret we need the income. I am afraid that he will have problems or get hurt at work. So I convinced him to wait at least till baby gets here because I can then upgrade his medical and get him into a neurologist. His seizures have changed and he is more prone to gran mal type. I want him to get the help he needs so he can live without the constant fear and worry hanging over his head or if theres nothing else that truly can be done then help in some other manner I can't think of. On the other hand, he has found a new fav show... 1000 ways to die. I am not sure I like it lol its gross lol.

    Well other than growing new life not much going on with me. I mostly feel like I'm either at the OB office, on my way there, or having just left there, i have 19 days and a tad over 11 hrs left by now and I have 8 more appointments to go before I'm done lol. When I'm not there I am pretty much watching the clock tick by verrrry slowly.... Heart burn sucks though!

    Well I guess this about wraps up the excitement that is my life. I missschool more than I thought, can't wait till April when I can go back

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