July 12, 2011

  • Day 20: Nicknames

    Day 20: Nicknames

    Sam, Mom, Hun, Sammie, Spammy



    In other news....




    We're PREGNANT!

    Due Mar 16th!

    We are beyond excited... However, it will be pushing off my starting the RN program until next June. I will continue to online classes though just to build up my knowledge for when I do start next year! We tried for more than 9 years and had basically come to the conclusion a couple years ago that it was not gonna happen. In fact about 3 months ago someone asked me if I was yet and I said "If it's meant to happen it will, if not I have a wonderful daughter and that make me a lucky person!" I suspected I was around the the 6th but on the 7th took a diff kind of test and it was very faint. I took this test above on the 10th and it turned immediately. I was so shocked I could barely talk lol.. I went to a clinic today and had it confirmed so that I could get OB care and WIC started. Its gonna be a long 35 weeks lol.

July 9, 2011

  • Day 19: Something you miss

    Day 19: Something you miss

    I miss the days when I did not have to worry about what time I had to be up, what bills were paid and which weren't.

    I miss the days when my daughter was just a baby/toddler. I was her everything then, but now she can barely stand me lol.

    I miss the early days of my relationship with hubby where we did not need to schedule our "nights" they just happened, and then happened again.

    I miss having the feeling like I truly belonged in my immediate family, before the abuse started getting really bad, being ignored by him was better afterall.

    I miss my aunt, she never made me feel like I did not belong and really seemed to listen to me. She taught me to ride horses and how to be happy.

    I miss my size 8 waiste, I fear I will never see it again LOL. While on the topic I miss my perky ladies and my NON grey hair lol.

    I miss being missed.

July 8, 2011

  • Day 18: Favorite Place to Eat

    Day 18: Favorite Place to Eat


    The Land of &! 

    For when I really want to treat myself.*






    In case you have not noticed this 30 day challenge has taken just a tad more than 30 days; however, I will be finishing it. lol.

    *disclaimer: any seafood place will do but they have to be like a real seafood place not just a place that sells seafood!

July 6, 2011

  • Day 17: Something you're looking forward to


    IN 43 DAYS!!!!!!

    Nina and I are taking our first ever Momma and daughter vacation to see my Aunt Mary! (her great aunt) so we are looking forward to relaxing, getting reacquainted and having FUN IN THE SUN! 

    (thank you Aunt Mary for the opportunity!)



    In other news:

    So hubby took a personality test at school and scored VERY high on the INTP traits, and I scored quite high on the ESFJ traits. If you are curious in yours (they nearly nailed both of us perfectly it was almost scary lol) go to www.simliarminds.com/jung (it's free and it takes you to an ITT site lol). The bottom line is we really couldn't be much more different if we tried. 

July 5, 2011

  • Day 16 (yes I know I skipped one)

    Day 16 : Dream House

    My dream house would have 5 bedrooms 2.5 bathrooms. There would be a huge fenced in back yard big enough to grow a small garden and a 6ft pool. I would have a full wrap around deck where I could have BBQ's and a hot tub. All the bedrooms would be upstairs. Hubby and I would both have small offices downstairs off the family room. I would also have a fully high tech kitchen with every gadget a person could ever need. I would have a dishwasher, garbage disposal, trash compactor and a walk in freezer.  I would have real paint on the walls none of this white boring crap. I would have a full basement that would be converted into our own lil bat cave/ game room. I would have the most awesome laundry room that would have a laundry shoot that would be connected to every bathroom. I would also have a water bed and a fireplace in the master bedroom with a spa sized bath tub in the master bath. I would also make it very energy efficient by having it run on solar power. Most importantly the closest neighbor would be at least a block away on all sides. Every room would be internet and cable ready and I would probably never want to leave. We would grow most of our own food in our garden and I would even have a guest apartment above my 4 car garage (part of the garage would be converted into a gym) so that when family visits they could stay there and not drive me insane! I figured while I am dreaming I should dream big.



    Day 15...

    has been skipped on purpose. It has to do with my favorite bible verse and well since I am an atheist I don't exactly have one of those. I will leave you with the following qoute.

    "For success, attitude is as important as ability"

    I am not sure who made it up I have it on a poster. When things feel exceptionally gloomy in school I look at it to remind myself that failing is part of success.

July 2, 2011

  • Day 13: Goals & Day 14 (2fer)

    Day 13: Goals

    to be a good parent

    to become the best RN that I can

    to save money once i get a good job

    to be self sufficent


    simple and to the point.

    One day I would love to visit Australia!



    Day 14: A picture of you last year - how have you changed?

    I have no clue how I have changed, not in appearance 

    but perhaps in self confidence. Man it was hot that day!!!

June 29, 2011

  • Day 12: Something you don't leave the house without

    Day 12: Something you don't leave the house without

    Well there are a few things I never leave home without. First of all is my cell phone. But I rarely answer it when I am out and about oddly enough. I will check a text but only if I am not driving but seldom reply. The next thing and equally important, as i learned earlier in the month, are my keys. I also always carry my wallet and I would say 9 out of 10 times I leave home I take hubby or Nina with me. Exciting I know but those are the facts! I also usually carry medical insurance cards but those are in the wallet and I doubt that you would want me to list everything in my wallet. Not to mention its boring!




    Oh and my car crapped out yesterday. We *think* it's the alternator based on speaking with several people AND past experience!

June 28, 2011

  • Day 11: Favorite tv shows

    Day 11: Favorite tv shows

    I have to start with the oldies and work my way to most recent. Well maybe in no particular order.




    True Blood

    Teen Wolf


    (both series - its my guilty pleasure)



    Switched at Birth

    World's Dumbest__________

    America's Got Talent

    Law & Order (SVU & LA) 



    Falling Skies

    Walking Dead

    Little House on the Prairie

    Don't Forget the Lyrics

    Little Couple

    19 kids and counting

    (most anything on TLC & FOOD networks)


    Ok that's it, i really do not spend all my time watching tv but there ya have it, either I am easy to

    please or these really are good shows. You can be the judge for yourselves. Now that I have

    successfully made myself look like a couch potato I will leave you with a Rudy pic taken today!


    We call it Rudy Vs Frito

    sorry it was taken on my cell phone!

June 26, 2011

  • Day 10: Something you're afraid of

    This blog is brought to you by the word OUCH and the number 4! More below...

    Day 10: Something you're afraid of

    This probably seems like it would be hard to answer but really it isn't. My biggest fear is loosing my daughter or hubby. If something were to happen to either of them I worry that I would not be able to move on with my life. I would have to find a way but it is my biggest fear to have to find a way. I have other fears, I don't particularly like or enjoy the company of any type of creepy crawly critters. I would rather not walk outside by myself in the dark or even dimly lit areas. I also do not like to walk into a dark house, not even my own. So much in fact that I always leave a light on in my kitchen so that if I should have to walk out of my bedroom at night that I can see. I don't however mind for my bedroom to bed dark however it seldom is due to the nicely lit common areas of the outside of our apartments  ( not overly bright through the window but bright enough that I can take Rudy out without getting the heebee jeebees). I also have a fear of being rejected by my family, for some stupid reason I still care about what they think, I feel I have let them down in everything I have done. I have gotten better about it though, I am living my life for me now not someone else. I still worry about them shunning me forever. As if its any different from now. So that's about it.



    So this blog was brought to tonight by the word OUCH!

    Yup you probably figured out that I have in some way caused myself pain. You are right. I was stupid and I even took my daughter along for the fun. Today our apartment complex had a beginning of summer pool party & BBQ. It was a lot of fun. It was a little chilly so I did not give any thought to protecting ourselves at all. Well to make a long story short we hung outside (mostly in the shade) for about 5 hrs. I have successfully lobsterfied myself!  Nina got burnt to but becuz she wears a life vest it only got on her arms. But not me. I am quite the lovely shade of red. I rarely got out of the pool but did not think anything of it due to the mostly shady day. So needless to say tonight I am in quite a bit of pain. SO that is why the word today is OUCH! I will be buying sunblock and aloe vera stuff as soon as I get paid becuz this is going to be a long summer I think.


    This blog was also brought to you by the number 4~ anyone else feel like they are in sesame street? hehe

    I managed to get a 4.0 for spring quarter after all was said and done. I am VERY proud of myself and I can not wait until July 13th when I get to secure my spot in ITT's RN program for Fall!!

    I am as you probably guessed taking the summer off! I might get to actually go visit my aunt too but nothing is set in stone yet. It sounds like it would be fun though so at least its a thought for now.


    well thats about it! See ya tomorrow!

June 25, 2011

  • Day 9: A favorite picture of your best friend



    This is a hard one for me because I have several friends that I consider to my best. My hubby is of course my very best friend. Then there is my dear sweet Joni and Casey! They are both incredibly special to me for different reasons but equally amazing in my life. I have other freinds I want to acknowledge but since we have not "met" yet I can not call them my best friends. They are Erin, Gonnaflip (cuz me thinks she would kill me for saying her real name) and Tess. So the only pics I am adding here are of Hubby, Casey, & Joni. I know they wouldn't mind (since i am stealing them from your FB LOL) . I do not have permission to post pics of the other three gals but you still mean the world to me!

    not sure why this is one of my favs but yes it was him peeking over my laptop one day

    such a dork LOL I love my hubby more than anything. He is such a ham! He makes me laugh

    every single day! I am truly lucky that he is in my life even though he says its the other way around.

    Joni is so beautiful inside and out!

    Joni reminds me that I am worthy of 

    having friends and being treated like everyone

    else. I forget sometimes. I love her very much!

    Casie is the mom I wish I could be,

    She is amazing in everything she does.

    She inspires me and I LOVE her! She and I share

    a special bond when it comes to our kids.

    She shows me that nothing can hold me back.