September 7, 2011

  • Baby @ 12wks New due date Mar 14!!!!!!!!!!!


    baby heart rate 163 bpm

    uncooperative lil sea monkey so I get to go back in 2 wks to get gender scan if cooperative


    and baby is healthy! 

    (dr said even looks "normal") good news but more will be known in future scans.

September 5, 2011

August 14, 2011

  • Four more days!!!

    In four days I will see my dear aunt who I have not seen since I was stolen away from her at the age of 13. She opened her home and her heart to me when my own parents found better things to do than be parents. My father was a truck driver which i understood, but for some reason my mother had to accompany him. She was unlicensed and was just along for the ride. They were gone for weeks and months at a time with out so much as a phone call. When they reappeared they showed up at school one day and learned that socail workers had been talking to me and i assume my sisters. Within a week or two we moved accross the country. I lost the only stability I remembered from my childhood. I looked for and got close to finding my aunt a couple of times. Thanks to Facebook I have found and maintained contact with her. 

    Nina and I are flying to texas on thursday! I am very excited and nervous at the same time. I am obviously not the person I was then. But I am more worried of being a disappointment to her. I know it is silly but I am. I know in my heart its not a real issue, but my experience with family in the past makes me leary. Then I feel bad for lumping her into that disfunctional heap of morons.


    So I am focusing on the fact that in 4 days I will get to enjoy some REAL sunshine for 9 days at least this summer. School starts in two weeks so we will get back just in time to ship miss Nina off to school for 7th grade! I will have a senior and preschooler man the sound of that is kind of wild LOL....


    Still going fine with baby. Not much to report really. Not much morning sickness of course that could change anytime now. I just hope not on the plane to or from lol.


    My entire family is still not speaking to me and ya know for once I am ok with that. By entire family I mean sisters, mother, neices, nephews, and all other aunts/cousins except my aunt Mary. Thier loss really. I don't even care anymore. I have more important things to do other than worry about their crap or their opinions. 

    I can understand being concerned about the baby, but they did not need to call my daughter or I freaks and assume that this baby was "screwed up" (their words) and just flat out be hurtful about it. It isn't like I don't know the risks and accept them. I ask nothing from them. Not even their support. But anyway I have wasted enough time talking about them as is. I have some packing to prepare for tomorrow LOL.


August 11, 2011

August 4, 2011

July 30, 2011

July 22, 2011

  • one more thing

    6 weeks down 

    our baby is the size of a sweet pea 


    34 weeks to go


  • Days 22-26 catching up lol

    I don't have a fav pic of me so I skipped day 21.. this by the way is the LONGEST 30 day challenge known to man LOL..

    Day 22: What's in your purse?

    wallet, wic stuff, reciepts, pens, small notebook, blood sugar meter. All kinds of scrap paper and appointments cards. exciting I know lol.


    Day 23: Favorite Movie

    50 first dates 

    Anything Sci-Fi 


    Day 24: Something you've learned

    The most judgmental and cruel people I know are related to me. It took me a while to figure this one out, or perhaps own up to it.

    I have learned to never rely on them or tell them anything and expect them to be happy for me or not criticize me.


    Day 25: Put your iPod on shuffle, first 10 songs


    Day 25 SKIPPED I do not own an Ipod or Ipad anymore :(



    Day 26: Your Dream Wedding

    I am pretty lucky. I got the wedding I always wanted. I would have liked someone in my family to attend or at least acknowledge it but it did not ruin it for me. I was married on Halloween in 2002. I wore all black and it was an amazing costume party surrounded by freinds and hubby's brother and his future wife. I have a picture that I should post.I am sure you have seen it though. Maybe this can count for fav pic! I love this man more today than I did that night! He is amazing and my rock through all struggles and joys in our life! I feel lucky to have found him even though he says its the other way around!

July 18, 2011

  • Hubby is home

    I am exhausted but very quickly hubby is home. A little slower than before but he will be ok. He says he feels like someone beat him with a baseball bat. I said no that would have been less scary. I convinced him to take a week off from school, he needs to recover so his memory will be as sharp as possible. He is now resting peacefully. I think I am gonna go join him. Thanks for keeping him in your thoughts.


    We are 5 wks and 3 days preggo and a LONGGGGGG way to go!

July 16, 2011

  • Family Update

    My hubby woke up today very confused and complaining of a severe headache. I at first thought he was teasing until he could not tell me what school he attends or where we live. I asked him to let me take him to the hospital and he refused. He seemed to know what he was talking about... 10 minutes later he went into a gran-mal seizure. He still had not come out of it nearly an hour later in the ER and they had to put him into a drug induced coma. They arent sure why it was so bad this time. I am beyond scared and worried but I am soo tired I can't really process it right now. Please keep him in your thoughts. They are not sure that he will regain his memory when he wakes up. They are hopeful. He is on a vent and in ICU. I will be returning at 7am. I will keep you all updated.. I just feel sooo alone :(